Sunday, August 17, 2014

Traffic, Waiting in lines, & Weather

On Time and the Soul

"Time is not inert. It does not roll on through our senses without affecting us. Its passing has remarkable effects on the mind. See: it came and went 'from day to day', and by its coming and going implanted in me new hopes and other experiences to be remembering." (IV. xiii)

"From the invisible and unorganized earth, from this formlessness, from this next-to-nothing, you made all these things of which this mutable world consists, yet in a state of flux. Its mutability is apparent in the fact that passing time can be perceived and measured. For the changes of things make time as their forms undergo variation and change. The matter underlying them is the 'invisible earth' of which I have been speaking." (XII. iix)

The 5 Confessions

(Un)Certain Terms of this Charade

"Live by the harmless untruths that make you brave and kind and healthy and happy."